LaminarEdge Aerospace provides R&D and engineering services to the Aerospace and Defense industries. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive, tailored solutions to our customers to address today's most challenging aerospace applications. Whether it's testing components, prototypes, or full-scale systems, we deliver cutting-edge solutions to advance your mission.
The LaminarEdge team has an extensive resume operating in defense, commercial, civil, and academic environments -- a diverse background which uniquely postures us to successfully partner with our customers and innovate cutting-edge solutions. Our personnel have conducted testing at many of the Nation's premier test facilities and over a broad range of test conditions. From subsonic through hypersonic speeds, from ice-fog to reentry temperatures, and from sea-level to deep-space vacuum, we leverage the diverse experience-base of our team to deliver technical solutions across the industry. With a collective 30+ years of experience in Aerospace T&E, the LaminarEdge team brings experience, passion, and a customer-focus to your engineering challenges.
LaminarEdge Aerospace LLC is located in Colorado Springs, CO, which is home to the headquarters of the US Space Force and NORAD, the US Air Force Academy, a multitude of national defense centers, and more than 200 other civil and defense companies in the aerospace sector. Founded in 2023, LaminarEdge was established to provide innovative R&D services to the Developmental Test community via partnership with the USAF Academy. Since then, our team has grown to provide professional and technical services directly to industry, academia, and the DoD. We are passionate about our work, our employees, our community, and our customers.
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